A Guide To Choosing Your EDC Knife

A Guide To Choosing Your EDC Knife

Posted by Brandon on 1st Dec 2022

An everyday carry (EDC) knife is a valuable tool that can be used for many different tasks. From opening packages to cutting food, a good EDC knife can make your life easier and more convenient. However, knowing how to choose your EDC knife properly is essential to getting the most out of it. 

There are many different types of EDC knives available, each with its own unique features and benefits. When choosing an EDC knife, consider factors such as blade material, blade shape, handle material and grip, and locking mechanism. A good EDC knife should be comfortable to hold and easy to carry, while also being sturdy and durable.

You will want to decide if a fixed-blade or folding-blade is best suited for your needs. A fixed-blade knife is generally kept in a sheath on a belt or mounted onto other gear. A folding knife can slide easily into your pocket and most have a pocket clip to keep it accessible when needed. 

Here are three common tasks for an EDC knife - consider these when you are making your decision:

Opening Packages

Opening packages is one of the most common tasks for which people use their EDC knives. Whether you’re opening a box from Amazon or a letter from your bank, a good EDC knife can save you time and frustration. To open a package with your EDC knife, start by holding the item with one hand and using the other hand to hold the knife. Use the tip of the blade to pierce through the tape or glue, and then use the blade to cut along the edge of the package. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as you don’t want to accidentally cut through the contents inside.

Cutting Food

Using your EDC knife to cut food is another common task. Many people use their EDC knives to slice fruits and vegetables, or to carve meat. When using your EDC knife to cut food, it’s important to ensure that the blade is clean and sharp. This will make the task easier and safer. Hold the food in one hand and use the other hand to hold the knife. Use a steady back-and-forth motion to slice through the food, being careful not to apply too much pressure.


While self-defense is not an everyday task, it’s important to know how to use your EDC knife in case of an emergency. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to defend yourself, your EDC knife can be a valuable tool. However, it’s important to remember that using a knife for self-defense should always be a last resort. If possible, try to avoid confrontations altogether. If you do need to use your EDC knife for self-defense, aim for the attacker’s vulnerable areas such as the neck, face or groin. Remember to stay calm and focused, and to use the knife only to defend yourself from harm.

In conclusion, an EDC knife is a valuable tool that can be used for a variety of everyday tasks. Whether you’re opening packages, cutting food, or defending yourself, a good EDC knife can make your life easier and more convenient. Remember to choose the right knife for the job, and to use it safely and responsibly. With proper maintenance and care, your EDC knife can provide years of reliable service.