Full Support for CCFR

Full Support for CCFR

Posted by Brandon on 3rd Jan 2023

Civil Safety (formerly Northern Republic Magazine) has been a paying business member of the Canada Coalition for Firearm Rights since 2018. Recently the CCFR has garnered significant attention due to their outspoken position as advocates for legal firearm ownership in Canada, and the timing of the current Liberal government's proposed gun-grabbing firearms legislation. More on that here: C-21 amended to include semi auto ban

The team at Civil Safety will stand-by the CCFR in the constant battle for maintaining legal firearm ownership in Canada. We all want a safe Canada to raise our families. However, the latest attempt by the Liberal government to take firearms out of the hands of legal, licensed, and vetted owners is an attack on property rights and will have no measurable positive impact on public safety. The bottom line is - taking legal firearms out of the hand of Canadians does not remove illegal, smuggled guns from the streets of our major cities, where violent crime has skyrocketed since Trudeau's government took power in 2015. 

Trudeau's legislation has arbitrarily selected firearms to ban based on appearances - not necessarily function. Imagine for a moment that the government prohibited all cars with a rear spoiler because they look like race cars - call them "race car-style vehicles". Any reasonable person knows that a spoiler on the back of most modern vehicles is for a sporty aesthetic and offers little or no performance value. Now imagine you own one of these newly prohibited "race car-style vehicles" and the government says that since they are no longer allowed, you cannot drive it anymore. Regardless that you legally own the car, paid tax on the purchase, and acquired the required driving license. You are not trusted to drive the "race car-style vehicle" anymore. All of this because some drivers with rear spoilers on their vehicles have been caught driving too fast in a city thousands of kilometres away. 

Civil Safety will continue to support organizations like the CCFR who advocate for real solutions to public safety issues while respecting the rights of Canadians to own and enjoy their property. 

Thank you CCFR for your dedication and vigorous defence of shooting sports and the property rights of all Canadians.